Buying Training Equipment
Hiring The Sassy Trainer
(it is my blog)
I am going to compare buying training equipment versus hiring (me) a trainer. But first a story. When I was 17, my grandparents thought it was a great idea to buy me my 1st car. I thought it was a great idea too, so I picked out a dark blue Toyota Corolla with a five-speed transmission. I am not exactly sure why I chose to get a stick shift (ok, it was cool). I had never driven a stick shift, nor had I even been in a car with a standard transmission. Actually, I had not done much driving at all.
My grandparents could have bought me a book (stick shift for dummies), or they could have hired a trainer. Thankfully, they chose the latter. As part of the terms of the sale, the salesman had to teach me to drive a stick (in retrospect, I kinda feel sorry for him). In the time it took for him to explain the basics and take me out on the road a few times (an hour), I may have gotten through half the book and burned out the clutch. One jerky week later I was driving my new car solo. So which is better? A. An hour of interactive instruction and roadtest, or B. 1-2 hours of booklearning and clutch burning. It is a no brainer -A is the way to go.
Sometimes it seems like the simple answer to your problems is spelled out on the infomercial at midnight. All you need to do is purchase their equipment and your problems just dissolve. There is a secret to the success of this or any product....
In addition to buying the equipment, you are expected to read (and understand) the instructions, learn how to properly use the equipment, use the equipment properly for some unspecified amount of time and then you might achieve the desired results.
And if it does not work you, try another and another and another product; or you begin to believe your dog is stupid or spiteful.
How many gadgets have you purchased? How many gadgets have you purchased to solve the same problem? If you add up the amount spent on gadgets and the amount that you spent replacing carpet or furniture or shoes or whatever, how much have you spent? And more importantly, is the problem solved?
Do not get me wrong, I have nothing against training equipment. I use it all the time. I have also spent years learning how to use it (or figuring out that it does not work); how long to use it, and what to do if something unexpected happens; it is my SASSY technique. You can buy the equipment, but not the SASSY technique.
I have experience using that equipment you just bought or something similar. I will show you how to use it, tell you how long you need to use it, explain what the progression looks like, and help you troubleshoot problems that ultimately will arise.
I work to fix your dog's existing problems with proven SASSY techniques (and sometimes equipment that I lend you), and also take time to show dog lovers how to prevent problems from ever showing up in the first place!
Again, I do not have any problem with the "equipment", but you also need SASSY technique to fix problems, and I love to teach it.
When learning how to train a dog it is important to try and do it correctly before the behavior issues become destructive.
Ultimately, if you hire The Sassy Trainer you will save yourself money, time, and headaches. I will help you create a pet you can live with.
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If ya can not stand the Sass, then get out of my BLOG!
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